Ball Cap Mom Blog
Blogging is one of the crazy joys in life.
““Blogging is to writing what extreme sports are to athletics: more free-form, more accident-prone, less formal, more alive. It is, in many ways, writing out loud.” – Andrew Sullivan
My First Adventure with My New Pelican Kayak
You may have read my blog post a while back talking about how hard it was for me to find some kayaks during the pandemic. Remember that? It was titled Hooray! The Kayak Shortage is Over! At Least for Now... When I first started looking for a kayak, I watched lots of...
All I Need Is a Cane Pole and a Bobber and Time to Go Fishing
There's just something about water that I find calming. Not drinking water, but a body of water, especially small ponds and lakes. I've always been drawn to lakes (and beaches), and I love to sit out by the water and read a good book, or sometimes just stare out over...
Hooray…the Kayak Shortage is Over! At Least for Now…
I think we can all agree that it's been a crazy year and a half. This COVID stuff has changed all of our lives in one way or another. We have been very fortunate over here. The changes have been minimal, and mostly the change has been how much time we spend at home...
Mountain Biking at Erwin Park – When You Can’t Go Skiing, This Is a Great Alternative…
Recently, my sister came in town to visit from Chicago. She arrived in town just before the snowstorm hit us here in Texas. I sort of blame her for the weather, because I'm pretty sure she brought it with her from Chicago. So, for the first few days of her visit, we...
It Snowed (Real Snow) in Texas!
It snowed in Texas! After many years of no snow, we finally got some. And by some, I mean a lot! So much snow that we lost all power across this great state, and in my part of Texas, the schools shut down for 4 days! We were experiencing rolling black outs in my...
I Want to Ride My Bicycle, and So Does Everyone Else… Or Should I Invest in Some Skates?
Update: When I first published this blog post last May during the first few months of all this crazy COVID mess, bikes were the big thing. It was practically impossible to find a bike to buy. And when I took my bike into the shop, they said it would be several weeks...
Sweet, Funny Gizmo: We Never Thought We Could Love a Pet Bird This Much!!
"Can I have a pet bird, Mom?" Well...those were words I did not want to ever hear. A pet bird? What? I had a few pet birds when I was younger, and they were pretty cool, especially the small parrot I had in college. But that ended badly, because parrots are loud pets,...
School Zones, Carpool Lines, Karen, and One Crazy Cyclist
Should carpool really be making everyone so angry? I know that carpool is not anyone's favorite way to spend precious morning or afternoon time, but is it something that should be making everyone so angry and on edge? I don't think so, Karen! I don't typically ride my...
My Apple Computer Nightmare
Apple computers! I love them! I've had many of them, going all the way back to my Apple Macintosh plus that I got around 1987/1988 when I was attending Texas Tech University. I had been a Commodore 64 computer nerd throughout high school, but was ready for an upgrade....
Finding Focus: How I Learned to Take Better Pictures
Once upon a time, there was a new mom who was determined to get some great photos of her first born. She got some great photos and they all lived happily ever after. The end. Well...not quite. This new mom (me) did get some photos of her first born, but now that I'm...